New Zealand Fencing Competitions
NZ Fencing Competitions (NZFC) was formed in May 2013 as a result of like minded fencers organizing a meeting to discuss their concerns about the historic singles and pair’s competitions future at the National Fieldays.
It was decided to form an industry body whose focus was to promote and govern fencing competitions within NZ to ensure a strong future. A committee was formed and the name “New Zealand Fencing Competitions” was chosen.
In 2013 NZFC with the support of our valued National Championship sponsors ran a very successful National Championship at the 150th Hawkes Bay A & P Show.
In 2014 NZFC returned to the Fieldays to run the National Championships with the support of the Judges Team and Fieldays volunteers.
Recognising the value of long running Regional Competitions NZFC’s role is to help support these competitions and organise as required.
In 2015 Judging resources are being put towards localised fencing competitons.
NZFC Goals and Objectives
- To form an independent body who will oversee fencing competitions in New Zealand.
- To value the historic traditions of fencing and the people that helped develop the standards.
- To maintain historic singles and pairs competitions which promote the concept of industry best practice and fencing excellence.
- To develop an organisational structure to run the New Zealand Fencing Championships e.g. Golden Pliers, Doubles and Bill Schuler trophy as a national competition with high perceived value to competitors, spectators, and industry suppliers.
- To grow the competition to reflect the New Zealand suppliers products and to attract sponsors who support the New Zealand fencing industry.
- To profile and highlight standards of fencing in New Zealand to the fencing industry and wider farming community.
- To encourage the next generation of fencer to learn the necessity of fencing fundamentals. To raise workmanship to a high standard which will assist fencers in the workplace.
- To promote good sportsmanship and comradely within the industry.
Our Team
NZFC is run by a group of volunteers, the majority of which are fencing competitors. This knowledge and passion in the industry has helped to identify the value that fencing competitions have in showcasing standards and assisting in up skilling techniques, which can then be used within fencing businesses on the fence line.
The NZFC Judges Team are also volunteers who give up considerable time (up to 10 days per person during the National Championships). As an organisation NZFC is undertaking the development of National Judging Standards.