Judging Details
Judging points taken may be scaled to fit within the points allocated to each discipline
Strainers – 40 points
- Foot wire (s) stapled off either below or between line wires, spiralled around strainer to prevent twists. Preferably in space in front of strainer where tie off does not touch strainer. The position of staples must be 45° across wire at the top of and at each side of wire curve (11 o’clock and 1 o’clock) with a 10mm gap between inside legs of staples. Staples must be driven in full depth, avoiding embedment of foot wire. Excess wire broken off leaving no protrusions.
Stays & Breast Blocks – 20 points
- Height Approximately half way between ground and top of strainer. Top of stay mortice 20mm under wire.
- Shape, trimming Stay should be trimmed to keep in proportion withstrainer diameter but maximising bearing surface. Trim cuts to be of equal length and all chainsaw marks planed out. 1 point – fault
- Mortice to be minimum 12mm depth, no gaps, splitting or binding of stay when fitted in mortice 1 point – gap or bind
- Line of stay should be parallel and perfectly in line with wires with the bow downwards. 1 point – 10mm
- Stay Block positioned square to stay, centre of stay to be positioned in centre of blocks length and width. Stay end face and block face must fit square to each other. 150mm minimum depth (measured at back of block). No penalty if deeper.
- Block hole must be left open and clean so that all workings are clearly visible.
- Stay must not be shortened 1 point – 10mm
Posts – 20 points
- Contour of posts, must be 90° to wires or bisect angle of the line wires on rises or dips. 1 point out of contour
- Spacing determined by ground contour, not exceeding maximum distance apart and tightly rammed.
- All posts must be used.
- With even spacing, measure each gap individually from the start end. No penalty within post width, then 1 point – 100mm.
- Last panel not measured
- Foot wire to be fixed as close as practical to wire side of fence, no rise posts to be footed
- Maximum height of footwire knot 200mm. The position of staples must be 45° across wire at the top of and at each side of wire curve (11 o’clock – 1 o’clock) with a 10mm gap between inside legs of staples. Staples must be driven in full depth avoiding embedment of footwire. Excess wire broken off leaving no protrusions.
- Line of posts, perfectly straight when eyed from behind strainer
Wire Guaging and Stapling – 20 points
- Gauge of wires at strainer taken from wire side, then level around back and other side. 1 point per wire out
- At posts exact gauge is essential. 1 point per wire out
- Staples must have adequate skew to hold wire as near to gauge mark as possible without binding. Staples driven to maximum depth, but must not bind wire to post. Staples in a line down the post, all skewed the same way, not staggered.
1 point per fault
- Insulators 5mm gauging tolerance, in line down the post. Stapling on the correct side of the insulator, all staples at the same angle approx 45° or all
1 point per fault
Gate – 20 points
- Height of Gate = Level with top of strainer.
- Level of Gate = Taken at the hinge end
1 point – 5mm
Latch Post
- Height is level with top of gate gate.
- Parallel with side of gate.
- Gate overlap of latch post is 30mm.
- Latch staple 20mm lower than point where latch is fixed to gate.
- Gate movement 40mm maximum when shut
- Latch post chamfered.
- Gate in line with fence
1 point – 5mm
Wirework & Electrics – 40 points
- Contractors Knot shape length wrap, eye of the termination knot must not be drawn too tight so as to induce wire fracture, first easy wrap to lead onto wire at 30 degrees no longer than 50mm, finishing to be minimum 2.5 times tightly around line wire and broken off leaving no protrusions.
- Knot style must be consistent and tied in line with fence direction and plumb, all knots should be in a perfect line, including eyes when looking down from the top.
- Position of knot Eye of the termination knot tied close to the strainer approx 20mm so they will not knock in, positioned 1/5 to ¼ diameter of strainer.
- End insulator distance = 125mm from the face of the strainer using a square to measure distance (note book square) 10mm tolerance then 1 point – 5mm
- End insulator ties, minimum of 6 tight wraps either side of insulator pulling from the centre of insulator. The insulators to all be aligned the same way so when looking down from the top you can see the eye of all end insulator
- Clamping should be neat and tidy, clamped tight wires broken off with no protrusions.
Battens – 30 points
- Spacing – Evenly spaced (max 1100mm taken at 4th wire from top ).
- Height – 50mm above top wire of fence.
- Staples — skewed at alternating angles to gain maximum twist across wire and staggered from side to side, staples positioned at 25% of face width from outside edge.
- Wire embedment – staples to be driven until wire is embedded into wood.
- Gauging or sag – Zero sagging of line wires , gauging to be exact .
- Batten at stay – Batten bottom above stay to be trimmed on stay angle, excess batten to be fitted under stay, with top trimmed to match stay angle.
- Cut batten to be double stapled top and bottom, staples to be at opposing angles.
Safety – 10 points
- Drop starting chainsaw.
- Chainsaw chaps.
- Safety glasses
- Footwear.
- Tool and material handling.
- Wire ends.
- Infringing on other lines.
10 points maximum.
Tidiness- 10 points
- All rubbish to be in one pile 1m behind peg or latch post.
- Wire to be tied off and removed from Jenny with no off cuts left on the fence line.
- Earth around strainers and posts to be level with the ground.
- Stay block hole to be open and clean and dirt left in one pile.
- All tools and equipment left tidy.
- 10 points maximum.